Support the mission and ministries of ELC with a gift today.

Your gift to ELC works to support our mission, which is to Love God and Love People. We do this by working with our community, our Synod, and Global Missions. Some or our Special Causes include: Bed Nets for Malawi, Sugar Creek And Luther Park Bible Camps, ELCA World Hunger, God’s Global Barnyard, Interfaith Caregivers, and much more!

  • THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS Thrivent Financial members that have Choice Dollars® can direct funds to Evangelical Lutheran Church. These funds help maintain our church ministry projects including: Peer Ministry, Youth & Family activities, Trunk or Treat, the Live Nativity, and many more programs.
  • Current Capital Campaign: Restore the Roof/Renew the Walkway: Our goal is to raise $250,000 for improvements to our facility. Please consider donating a one-time gift or providing a pledge to give over the next two years. For more information, please contact the church office.
  • Gifts, Memorials and Trusts: ELC holds a separate account to receive all gifts designated for specific causes and programs. Some previous gifts include: the Radio Broadcast fund, Technology, Bible Camps, Missionaries, and Buildings and Grounds. For more information, please contact the church office.
  • Endowments & Trusts: ELC has been the recipient of many gifts from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, upon their passing. After considering the needs of your family, you may wish to leave all or a portion of your estate to the ministries of ELC. By contributing to ELC, we have an opportunity to serve others in ways we could not do alone. Even small bequests are appreciated – just look at what Jesus did with the loaves and fishes! For more information, please contact the church office.

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