Learn more about our outreach below

Companion relationship with Migowi Parish in Malawi, Africa.

It is located in the south central part of the country of Malawi and is made up of 6 congregations. As partners in the Gospel we are encouraged to confess our unity in Christ by eagerly accepting the challenge to walk together in faith, resolving to pray for one another, inspiring one another, learning from one another, and sharing our faith and culture with one another.

ELC Sponsors ELCA Missionary Family in East Africa

Evangelical Lutheran has been sponsoring the Rev. Philip & Lou Knutson family, ELCA missionaries in Southern Africa (Madagascar, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia) With the Rev. Andrew and Barb Hinderlie’s return home from the mission field in 2014, the ELC Stewardship/Mission’s team selected the Rev. Dr. Philip and Lou Knutson, currently serving throughout Southern Africa, as our new ELC Missionaries whom we support with Missionary for a Day offerings and gifts.
Pr. Phil works as a Regional Representative partnering with companion churches, companion synods, and mission personnel throughout Southern Africa, including Malawi, the Republic of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Swaziland, Angola and Mozambique.
Pr. Phil’s hobbies include running, cycling, windsurfing, hiking and reading. Lou’s hobbies include reading, hiking and movies.
Pr. Phil and Lou plan to return to the U.S. again in the summer of 2016. A visit to ELC is planned for that time.

ELC offers an opportunity for individuals to sponsor our “Missionaries for a Day” by signing up on the yearly “Missionary for a Day” calendar in the Narthex and placing $10 in the marked envelopes. Those who participate receive recognition in the weekly bulletin.

Food Pantry

Members and visitors alike are encouraged to bring donations of non-perishable food items and place them in the “wagon” in the narthex. Donations are dropped off at the Office door bins.

“Bed Nets” for $10

Malaria is a major health threat to children in Malawi. In response to this, congregations throughout the synod have been invited to respond by buying bed nets for $10 each.

Foster Closet

The Black River Area Foster Closet is located in the lower level of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Education Wing. Its mission is to be a free resource to help support caregivers of children in foster care. For more information, e-mail to fosterclosetofbrf@yahoo.com. Find them on Facebook or at blackriverareafostercloset.squarespace.com

Mighty Table

The Mighty Table MInistry began in 2021, after an Advent supper event, when several people took the leftover soup and sandwiches to local foster families. This one gesture shined a light on an immediate need for food, clothing, and supplies for area foster families. Meals are prepared on Tuesday afternoons, with volunteers assigned to confidentially distribute the meals to families. Additionally, if a family has a clothing or household need, “The Foster Closet”, housed in the ELC Education Wing, will provide those things to be included in the families’ deliveries. If this is a ministry you feeled called to serve, contact Patti Whitworth at 715-963-4036 or pwhit044@gmail.com