Adult Ministry

Throughout the year, we offer several adult studies at ELC. These “Faithful Conversations” are informed by the following language from the website of the ELCA:

We are a publicly engaged church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work. We do God’s work in the world, the work of restoring and reconciling communities. We pursue justice and seek peace no matter how long the journey or wide the chasm. Because we are grounded in God’s love and forgiveness, we are well equipped to live and serve here and now, in the world, with all its complexities, tensions, and ambiguities.
(Source: ELCA Website: “Our Work”)

Two of our recent studies can be accessed here in an asynchronous format and be completed at any time.

Knowing our Neighbors: Unsettling History, Hopeful Future

Focus of the Study

In 2016 the ELCA repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery, “as an example of the ‘improper mixing of the power of the church and the power of the sword’ (Augsburg Confession Article XXVIII), and to acknowledge and repent from this church’s complicity in the evils of colonialism in the Americas, which continue to harm tribal governments and individual tribal members.” In October of 2021, as a follow-up, our Church issued a Declaration “to American Indian and Alaska Native People” further solidifying sentiments that have been voiced within the ELCA and its predecessor bodies for generations. What do such statements mean for us and how should we respond as members of an ELCA parish?

This study focuses on the history of our closest Tribal Nation, the Ho-Chunk people, with an emphasis on the intersections of Christianity within their story. One of twelve Tribes in Wisconsin that comprise “Indian Country,” their complex journey illustrates the enduring challenges First Nations people face in 2023 and beyond. The goal of this introductory exploration is to gain a deeper understanding of our broader community, coupled with prayerful consideration of creative responses moving forward. We go forth in this process within the framework of the Jesus’ commandments to love God and neighbor (Mark 12: 30-31).

Access the Study Here:

The “Soul of Politics” 

Focus of the Study

We are living in a time of great division in our nation. Polling indicates that millions of citizens believe another civil war will likely occur within the next few years. As ELCA Christians, what role do we have to play in our churches, communities, and nation in the face of various issues dividing people? Can we be purveyors of hope and healing within our communities? This 4-session study, places the present moment in context by exploring our history, with a special emphasis on interpreting that history through the lens of Christianity. Our aim is not to promote a particular political agenda, but rather to prompt faithful conversations about HOW we navigate the challenges created by political divisions.  

Access the Study here: